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Airfield Marker

Accessori per il volo FlyPlast: cinesini
Cinesini bianchi
Cinesini con adesivo rosso

Made in two models:

type A – 800x600xH350 + type B – 600x500xH25

The wide support base prevents the regrowth of grass in the immediate vicinity, making it easier to cut without having to move them, maintaining visibility even in the case of tall grass. They are fixed to the ground using pegs, or in the case of an asphalted track, a special tray containing gravel or sand allows them to be anchored to the ground.

Construction material:
Type A and B: white ASA, special frangible material. Stabilized by light, it limits aging and consequent yellowing. Resistant to atmospheric agents.

For more information or quotes CONTACT US.
ArticoloDim.Prezzo unitario (Iva esclusa)
cinesino grande tipo A – ASA
800x600x350  44,80 €
cinesino piccolo tipo B-ASA
600x500x250  34,00 €