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How Many Types of Plastic Moulding Exist


An overview of the most common methods

When it comes to plastic moulding, there are various methods and processes that allow transforming plastic material into finished products of different shapes and sizes. Each method has specific characteristics and distinct advantages, adapting to different production needs. We will explore some of the most common types of plastic moulding used in the manufacturing industry.

With this article, we want to help you gain more clarity on the different production methods available and understand what services Csplast can offer you and what advantages our plastic moulding method can provide.

The methods for plastic moulding are:

  1. Injection Moulding (Csplast srl)
  2. Thermoforming
  3. Blow moulding
  4. Rotational moulding
  5. Extrusion moulding

Let’s examine them in more detail!

Injection mouding

The most widespread and versatile method of plastic moulding is injection moulding. This process involves injecting molten plastic into a specially designed mould, where it solidifies and takes the desired shape. Injection moulding allows the production of a wide range of products, from industrial components to consumer goods. It is known for its precision, repeatability, and production efficiency.


Thermoforming is a method used to produce products with thin walls, such as disposable containers, trays, and blisters. In this process, a plastic sheet is heated and then shaped using a mould. The plastic conforms to the shape of the mould and cools, creating the finished object. This method is known for its versatility, ease of production, and the ability to create complex shapes.

Blow moulding

Blow moulding is widely used to produce hollow objects, such as bottles, containers, and vessels. This process involves using a heated plastic tube, called a parison, which is placed inside a mould. Air is then blown into the tube, causing the plastic to expand and adhere to the walls of the mould. Once cooled, the final shape is extracted. Blow moulding is known for producing lightweight, durable, and thin-walled objects.

Rotational moulding

Rotational moulding is a method used to produce large-sized and symmetrically shaped objects, such as tanks, crates, and toys. In this process, plastic is placed inside a mould that is then rotated on multiple axes. The plastic is distributed uniformly inside the mould due to centrifugal force, creating the desired object. Rotational moulding is known for its ability to produce large-sized objects with thick and durable walls.

Extrusion moulding

Extrusion moulding is a method used to produce products with a constant cross-section, such as tubes, profiles, and films. In this process, plastic is fed into a device called an extruder, where it is heated and pushed through a slit or a die to take the desired shape. The extruded plastic is then cooled and cut to the desired length. Extrusion moulding is an efficient method for producing continuous-length products with a uniform cross-section.


The world of plastic moulding offers a variety of methods and processes for the production of customized plastic products. Each technique has its specific role and applications, and the choice of the method always depends on the design requirements, production quantities, and the complexity of the object to be manufactured.

Knowledge of the different types of plastic moulding helps to select the optimal solution for your projects, but remember that injection moulding is always the most precise and high-quality production method for your products. Moreover, among its main advantages are: a wide range of thermoplastic materials that can be used, production efficiency, repeatability and consistency in part production, design flexibility, and waste reduction.

Overall, injection moulding offers a unique combination of precision, versatility, production efficiency, and customization possibilities, making it one of the preferred methods for the production of high-quality plastic products. So, if you need this type of service, contact us!