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From Sampling to Production in the Injection Moulding: A Journey of Precision with Csplast


Here at Csplast, quality is our mantra. That’s why, once the injection mould is completed and before starting full-scale production, we have the practice of producing a pre-series sample of the plastic product we have been asked to design. This allows us to submit the parts to the client’s careful evaluation, ensuring that every detail is perfect before proceeding with large-scale production and moulding.

The samples produced through the injection mould are carefully examined by the client, who analyzes both the technical-functional and aesthetic aspects. Each plastic-printed detail is identified with a tag showing the date and the client’s approval signature, and remains in our Quality Control Office as a reference for future productions.

It may also happen that the client chooses to come directly to our facilities on the day of the injection mould test and the production of the sample. This opportunity allows for a direct comparison between our technical and moulding departments and the client, in order to jointly evaluate the outcome of the finished product.

This is precisely what happened recently for an important order in the HORECA sector. We had the pleasure of hosting the client at our facilities, where we were able to test the plastic-moulded parts directly on the coffee machine on which they would be mounted.

The result? Perfect parts, and after the necessary checks, the espresso was served!

This extreme attention to detail and achieving the highest customer satisfaction is what sets us apart.

If you want to learn more about injection moulding and sampling, click here and of course, if you need a reliable partner in the creation of injection moulds and in the efficient and correct moulding of plastic parts, contact us.

We will be happy to bring your ideas to life!