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A Thesis on Metal-to-Plastic Conversion


Francesca Vezzani graduated on July 12th from the University of Parma, with a degree in Mechanical Engineering, presenting a thesis titled “Closure regulator for fire doors: redesign from metal to polymer”.

Why are we telling you about this news on the Csplast website? It’s simple! Our company has been collaborating for years with the University of Parma and when the supervisor and co-supervisor of Francesca’s thesis – Professor E. Riva and Engineer Fortese, proposed to us to accompany the student in the preparation of her graduation thesis, we accepted enthusiastically, putting a real case study of metal-to-plastic redesign on the field.

The closure regulator, which was the subject of Francesca’s thesis, actually exists and is currently used by one of our important leading customers in the sector, which is why we were able to provide the thesis writer with all the preliminary data necessary to carry out her personal metal-to-plastic conversion and all the post-conversion data useful to verify the effectiveness of her thesis.

The metal-plastic conversion is an innovative and fundamental technology in the field of injection moulding. This redesign process allows obtaining plastic components capable of maintaining the same characteristics and functions of the original metal components, but with significant advantages in terms of cost, efficiency and sustainability.

We at Csplast often accompany our customers with great satisfaction towards this strategy that allows them to move from metal components to injection-moulded plastic components, because it improves the efficiency of their production processes (e.g. it speeds up assembly, requires less maintenance), reduces costs (plastic weighs less than metal) and improves environmental impact, while maintaining high standards of quality and functionality of the final product.

It was very important and stimulating for us to pass this information on to Francesca for the preparation of her thesis and to accompany her in the development of a functioning project, supporting her in the choice of materials and in the design of the injection moulds for the fire door closure regulator in plastic.

We will never stop thanking the University of Parma for this great collaboration, which allowed us to make our expertise and knowledge available to the student and at the same time gives us the opportunity to deepen our knowledge in the field of metal-to-plastic conversion, always keeping our know-how up-to-date.

The collaboration between companies and universities is essential for the development of research and innovation, and Francesca Vezzani’s graduation with excellent grades represents an important result of this synergy.

Csplast is proud to have contributed to the success of the student, and thanks the University of Parma for the collaboration in the realization of the thesis.

If you want to further explore the topic of metal-to-plastic conversion, please visit the following link

Congratulations Francesca!